walking stack
The Walking Stack began as a 20”x 20” wooden panel to be mailed monthly for a one year period. The only rules were that it stayed 20”x20”, but could grow in depth. Artists could add but never subtract from the panel.
Both sides of the panel grew in material density as both artists moved through an unpredictable pandemic, family emergencies, and job and studio changes. It is a record of cultural upheaval on one side and magical thinking on the opposite.
When the mailing project was completed the heavily worked panel was suspended to show it from both sides and a mirror was then attached to the wall to create a reflection of the magical thinking side. This created the opportunity to play with the idea of creating a different type of stack than had been created with the sister project Shuffled Stacks. Having Walking Stack suspended in space enabled viewers to walk between mirror and panel creating larger more interacted layers than was previously done in earlier works.
Mailing process February 11, 2020 - present
Installation varies and is in process
Panel detail lever side
Acrylic paint, vellum, paper, wood, watercolor, bulb on wooden panel, mirror and rope
12ft x 5.5ft x 6ft, size can vary during installation.
Panel detail wand side
Acrylic paint, vellum, paper, wood, watercolor, bulb on wooden panel
20 inch x 20 inch panel
Walking stack (wide stance)
Acrylic paint, vellum, paper, wood, watercolor, bulb on wooden panel, mirror and rope
12ft x 5.5ft x 6ft, size can vary during installation.
Walking stack forward walk
Acrylic paint, vellum, paper, wood, watercolor, bulb on wooden panel, mirror and rope
12ft x 5.5ft x 6ft, size can vary during installation.
Walking stack with Lancer
Acrylic paint, vellum, paper, wood, watercolor, bulb on wooden panel, mirror and rope
12ft x 5.5ft x 6ft, size can vary during installation.
Walking stack 7 collage studies
Photocopies, marker, paper, cardboard, plastic
11 inches x 8 inches each